Statseeker NPM polls all monitored hardware every minute and collects a wide range of health and activity data about your network. This data is stored indefinitely at that 1-minute granularity. Statseeker NPM will never average or ‘roll-up’ your data. This comprehensive data history allows Statseeker NPM to build an accurate data model for every monitored metric, from every device, for your entire monitored network.
The data model reflects both typical behavior and the historical variance for each metric (Inbound Utilization, CPU Load, Dropped Packets, Temperature, Voltage, etc.) from each device, for every minute of each day of the week. With this level of detail Statseeker NPM can answer questions such as:
“Is the level of traffic I am seeing right now typical behavior for this specific link at 2:30pm on a Tuesday afternoon? If not, how abnormal is it, and should I be concerned?”
“We have seen increases in demand for certain services in this area of our network over the last 3 months. If this increase in demand continues at the same rate, how long do we have before it begins to impact network performance?”
Statseeker NPM exposes the baseline data model used to answer these questions, allowing you to view the baseline summary and even overlay your baseline data on standard report data. In addition, Statseeker offers out-of-the-box data analytics in the form of: