Low Volume Financial Market


Techniche Limited (Techniche) is an unlisted public company and disclosing entity. Techniche’s shares are not listed on any licensed market or exchange, including the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). In order to provide shareholders with some liquidity for their shares, Techniche has received approval from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to operate a low volume financial market under exemption provided by section 791C of the Corporation Act 2001 and in accordance with the Corporation (Low Volume Financial Markets) instrument 2016/888. It is important to note the following:

The market is covered by an exemption under section 791C of the Corporations Act 2001; Techniche is not licensed under Part 72 of the Corporations Act 2001; and Techniche is not subject to the legal obligations that apply to the operator of a licensed market, including the requirement, to the extent that it is reasonably practicable to do so, to do all things necessary to ensure that the market is a fair, orderly and transparent market.

General Rules

Techniche will record the aggregate total volume and value of transactions conducted on the market to ensure that:

a) no more than 100 (one hundred) completed instructions are entered into; and

b) the value of the transactions entered into (measured by sale price) does not exceed $1,500,000 (one million, five hundred thousand dollars),

in the 12 month period commencing on 28 April 2021 (the date Techniche was named in the ASIC-approved register of low volume financial markets) or any subsequent 12 month period.

Thereafter, if a transaction would cause either the total volume or value of all transactions entered into in any 12month period to exceed either of those limits, Techniche may not approve the transaction or suspend the market to the start of the subsequent 12 month period. In such a case interested Sellers and Buyers would have the option of either waiting for the next 12 month period to commence or find counterparty themselves (i.e. a party that is not on the Register).

All share transactions are to comply with Techniche’s constitution. The matching, negotiation and execution of any transaction that occurs will take place between the Buyer and Seller without any involvement from Techniche. Settled transactions will be processed by Techniche’s share registry, Link Market Services Limited (the Registry). Once the transaction has been processed by the Registry, the Company Secretary will then update the register of sellers and buyers.

Important Notices relating to the Low Volume Market


Techniche has no role in the negotiation and pricing of any trade under the Low Volume Market. Before completing your trade, you should check this section for any recently added information.

Tax Consequences

Techniche is unable to provide you with any advice in relation to the potential tax consequences of any sale as each shareholder’s circumstance is different. You should obtain your own taxation, financial, and investment advice in relation to the consequences of any sale before entering into any transaction to sell or buy Techniche shares.

Removing yourself from the Low Volume Market Register or changing your price or volume

You can request that your details be amended or removed from the Register by contacting the Company Secretary.

Finding a Buyer or Seller outside of the Low Volume Market

The Low Volume Market provides you with one way to potentially locate a buyer or seller of Techniche shares. You may find your own buyer for your shares outside of the market.

Confirming that the Seller is the true owner of shares they are selling

Each Techniche shareholder is issued with a holding statement for their Techniche shares. You may also inspect the register of members for Techniche at its share registry to confirm the seller is the registered holder of the shares.

Techniche takes no responsibility for and has no liability to any buyer who does not receive good title to any Techniche shares they have paid for.

Cost of share sale

Techniche will not charge any fees to the Seller or to the Buyer and will absorb any cost of transfer.

How to buy or sell shares on the low volume market

The process for trading Techniche Limited shares is outlined below.

a) Review the Low Volume Market Introduction and Important Notices.
b) Review the current Register of Sellers and Buyers and Recent Transactions.
c) Register your interest to buy or sell Techniche shares by downloading, completing and returning the  Techniche Limited Registration And Consent Form to the Techniche Company Secretary.
d) If you are a Buyer or Seller, you may request that Techniche provides you with any details of any Seller or of any Buyer. To request this information contact the Company Secretary.
e) Complete the transaction by completing a Standard Transfer Form and return it to the Registry.

The matching, negotiation and execution of any transaction that occurs will take place between the Buyer and the Seller without any involvement from Techniche. Settled transactions will be processed by Techniche’s share registry, Link Market Services Limited (the Registry). Once the transaction has been processed by the Registry, the Company Secretary will then update the register of sellers and buyers.

The Registry’s details

Link Market Services Limited, Locked Bag A14, Sydney South, NSW 1235
1300 554 474
(02) 9287 0303

If you have any queries about this process, please contact our Company Secretary at the address below:

The Company Secretary
Techniche Limited

PO Box 1131
Milton, QLD 4064
1300 556 673

Register of Interest (Buyers and Sellers) on the Low Volume Market

A full list of Buyers and Sellers (including the number of shares and desired trading price) is provided below. To register your interest in buying or selling Techniche Limited shares on the Low Volume Market, please refer to the “How to Buy or Sell Shares on the Low Volume Market”.

Bids Asks
Offers to purchase Offers for sale
Volume Price (A$) Volume Price (A$)
Buyer 1 200,000 0.045 Seller 1 31,000 0.050
Buyer 2 100,000 0.040 Seller 2 30,000 0.057
Buyer 3 300,000 0.040 Seller 3 330,000 0.059
Buyer 4 500,000 0.036 Seller 4 6,500,000 0.060
Buyer 5 Seller 5 1,000,000 0.060
Seller 6 65,000 0.060
Seller 7 910,000 0.062
Seller 8 20,000 0.100
Seller 9

Trading History for Shares Traded on the Low Volume Market

The most recent Techniche Limited share trades on the Low Volume Market only are shown below. 

Date Number of shares Price per share (A$) Total consideration (A$)
11/11/2024 50,000 0.040 2,000.00
08/10/2024 170,000 0.059 10,030.00
06/03/2024 500,000 0.06 30,000.00
08/11/2023 20,000 0.06 1,200.00
05/10/2023 44,300 0.06 2,658.00
15/06/2023 500,000 0.06 30,000.00
06/06/2023 17,861 0.06 1,071.66
19/04/2023 32,000 0.06 1,920.00
19/04/2023 20,000 0.04 800

See financial results and reports from previous financial years. 

Archived Trading History for Shares Traded on the Low Volume Market