We maintain high standards of corporate governance appropriate to our size and operations, effectively managing risk, improving performance and enhancing corporate responsibility.
Our Board is responsible for the corporate governance of Techniche Limited and its controlled entities. The Board carries out its responsibilities within a framework of corporate governance structures to create value, through entrepreneurialism, innovation and development, and provide accountability and control systems commensurate with the risks involved.
Corporate Governance Documentation
Techniche Limited Corporate Governance Statement 2023
Techniche Whistleblower Policy
Techniche Board Charter (updated 2024)
Techniche Limited Audit Committee Charter (updated 2024)
Techniche Remuneration Committee Charter
Techniche Code of Conduct (updated 2022)
Techniche Communications Policy (updated 2024)
Techniche Continuous Disclosure Policy (updated 2024)
RIsk Management
Techniche Limited Constitution